Located at Novotel Bandung, the Vice Rector 3 of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang (Dr. Hamidah) and head of the International Service Center (Susi Herti Afriani, M. Hum) attended the coordination meeting of the PTKIN Cooperation Vice Rectors Forum from 29 to 31 March 2021.

Starting with the recitation of the holy Koran and continued with singing the Indonesian national anthem, the coordination meeting began. After the speech was delivered by the chairman of the Vice Rectors Forum for Cooperation and Institutions (Prof. Dr. Hj. Ulfiah, M. Si), the Rector of UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung also gave a speech and officially opened the event.

At 19.30 WIB, the event was continued by listening to directions from the Director General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, which has a center at universities throughout Indonesia. Attended by around 70 participants, this meeting is expected to strengthen the network of cooperation, which is not just a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), but is also expected to be the implementation of the MOU.

Through this forum, participants are expected to have the same perception between the international offices of all PTKIN throughout Indonesia. In addition, this forum is expected to encourage the existence of the international office.

In addition to strengthening PTKIN Collaboration, the Head of the Cooperation Sub-Directorate (Adib Abdushomad PhD) said that the Guidelines for Cooperation under PMA number 40 of 2020. With this guidance, PTKIN throughout Indonesia is expected to collaborate with abroad and show the quality of its universities through networking and collaboration.

Through the policies and direction for the development of PTKI Cooperation, the Dirjen Pendis (Prof. Ramdhani) expects a commitment to work together to build PTKIN. One of them is through cooperation opportunities such as student / staff exchange, research, expert invitation and double degree.

The coordination meeting will be followed by material on opportunities for educational cooperation in Germany. The second day was followed by a discussion on Cooperation with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Al-Jazair. The event will be closed with an evaluation of the 2020 Cooperation Program and the 2021 Work Plan on the third day. In detail, the Head of the International Office of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang reported from Bandung, Indonesia (SHA).

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