FAHUM-UINRF – Monday, October 15, 2018, the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, invited a guest lecturer from Germany, Dr. Thomas Gotz who arrived at the beginning of October, 2018.

Biology Study Program invited Dr. Thomas Gotz to discuss and present the materials on how to find master degree scholarships abroad. Thirty two students of Biology Study Program, class of 2018 were present at the 3rd floor of the FST 02 Building.

Dr. Thomas Gotz did not only explain the scholarships in Germany, but also the ones in other countries. “Don’t just focus on one scholarship and one environment, but look for as many scholarships as possible even though it is outside the scope of your campus”, said the Lecturer.

Dr. Thomas Gotz also provided several links to Biology Study Program students for clearer information on education in Germany and scholarships available there. The links are as follows: https://www.study-in.de/en/,https://www.daad.de/en/, https://www.goethe.de/ins/id/en/index .html

The activity was moderated by Rabeta Ayu Susanti, S.Pd. which aimed at improving students’ motivation in terms of education. “Certainly, with the arrival of overseas lecturers, students can add insight and open their minds about finding master degree scholarships abroad for their future education level”, he explained. (AA, WAR, & DW)

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