Located in the meeting room at Campus B (Jakabaring)- State Islamic University (UIN) Raden Fatah Palembang; The Vice Rector 3 (Dr. Hamidah) and The Head of the International Office UIN Raden Fatah Palembang (Susi Herti Afriani, M. Hum) with Amalia Hasanah, Ed.D (The Head of English study program), Manalullaili, M.Ed (Vice Dean 2 of Faculty of Da’wah and Communication), Eka Sartika (Lecturer at English Study program), and Dr. Delima Engga Mareta (Vice Dean 2 of Faculty of Science and Technology) discussed some urgent points for the development of the International Office (hereafter referred as IO).
One of them is the agenda of developing the International Office Website in English. Furthermore, Dr. Hamidah delivered and asked some huge ideas related internship program for our students and re-new the MOU between UIN Raden Fatah and some university in Malaysia. Moreover, Dr. Delima as the Vice Dean 2 informed the possibility for MOU between Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and one of the University in New Zealand. The next following even will be the development of the international office workshop to manifest some ideas to be real actions. (SHA and MN)